Tony Robbins: The 6 Human Needs and How to Understand Them to Shape Your Relationships | MLM Online Success with Toby & Layla

Tony Robbins: The 6 Human Needs and How to Understand Them to Shape Your Relationships | MLM Online Success with Toby & Layla

As many of you know Toby & I are simultaneously going through the Tony Robbins collection. Creating Lasting Change is our current Self Development project.

OUR MISSION: To Become More Effective Leaders, Become Agents of Change, Be Able to Come Into Any Situation and Make a Difference.

Why Do People Do What They Do?

There are 3 Filters that effect us. Understanding Human Needs, Understanding Human Beliefs, Understand the Emotions That You Become Habitually Addicted.

So what are the 6 Human Needs?

(Keep in Mind that Any Thought, Belief or Behaviour that sustains 3 or more of these Needs becomes a habit.)

  • Certainty: Some people need that Certainty that they can avoid pain and have comfort or pleasure. How do people get certainty? Example 1: Work Really Hard to Master Something So There is No Uncertainty That YOU Are the Best! Example 2: Lower Your Expectations. If you're certain that it won't work anyway you satisfy this need.
  • Uncertainty: We Need Variety to Feel Alive. How do people get variety? Anything that changes your state. Different Foods, a new book, having a conversation with someone new.
  • Significance: To Feel Unique, Important, and Special. EVERYONE has these needs, but what Beliefs about how to meet this need? Example 1: Serving and making a difference in the world Example 2: Dominating
  • Connection: Love is in our DNA. Do you meet the need for connection in Neutral ways, Negative Ways, or Empowering Ways.

These 4 are the Needs of the Personality... EVERYONE FINDS a Way to meet the first 4 Needs in someway but Not Everyone Meets the Last 2. The Ultimate Needs.

  • Growth: Everything in the world is growing or dieing. It's a constant process ocuring in life. Reason that we grow is to satisfy the next Need...
  • Contribution: We GROW so we have something to give. What makes you feel alive is to know it's MORE than just you. You are making a meaningful impact on others.

ONLY Difference in People is: Which of these needs do you value MOST?

Anthony Robbins asked us to look inside of ourselves and really evaluate which 2 Needs we feel we Value Most.... So we want to show you that EVEN L4's (wink wink) do their Homework.

Layla: My Top 2 Needs That I Value Most are Probably Connection & Contribution. I feel the most important part of life is the connections we make. But sometimes my need for Love makes me a bit of a softy LOL. I am a recovering Nice Girl as Mr. Combs would say. Contribution is my Ultimate Need. I want to know that I made an impact on as many people as Possible!

Toby: I do Value Certainty, I want to work hard to be sure that my family will be taken care of and enjoy life. I also truly value growth and constantly striving to be a better person, a better leader, and a better partner to Layla.